California's new law, AB-60, allows the California DMV to grant driver's licenses to anyone who is eligible, without requiring proof of lawful status in the United States. Individuals, including undocumented immigrants, are able to apply for driver's licenses in...
Year: 2014
“DAPA” and expanded “DACA”- highlights and answers to key questions about the immigration executive action
Obama's immigration executive actions impact many areas of immigration- from entrepreneur options and ICE officer pay to border enforcement. The two areas which have received the most attention, however, are the Deferred Action for Parents ("DAPA") and expansion of...
First details of Obama’s “Immigration Accountability Executive Actions”
After months of anticipation- and following years of hope for Comprehensive Immigration Reform- President Obama today finally announced an outline of his "Immigration Accountability Executive Actions".With just basic details released so far, we still do not know...
Children in Artesia
Last week, I was in a volunteer attorney group at the immigration detention center in Artesia, New Mexico, assisting women and children who recently fled Central America. It was the most difficult week I've ever had as an immigration attorney, but also the most...
364-day maximum sentence will reduce immigration consequences of California misdemeanors
A new California law reducing the maximum sentence for misdemeanors from 365 to 364 days will be very important for many foreign nationals facing criminal charges. The law, SB 1310, takes effect January, 2015. (Certain California misdemeanors which already...
ICE’s reported use of “unaccompanied child” instead of “Unaccompanied Alien Child” a sign of trouble, not respect.
Conservative websites the National Review online have both reported that ICE has allegedly directed officers to stop using the term "Unaccompanied Alien Child" or "UAC" in reference to minors who attempt to cross the border without a parent or guardian,...
DACA renewals begin, for some 30 day filing window has already started!
Many initial grants of Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals, better known as "DACA", expire this year, and the renewal period has just begun, with the release of the renewal application form this week. As anticipated, applications should be filed within a 30 day...
Mos Def’s missed concert a reminder even U.S. citizens can have problems entering country.
Ordinarily missed concerts are not the subject of immigration blogs. For the rapper formerly known as Mos Def, however, the situation was notable because he allegedly failed to make a Boston show for "immigration/legal" reasons- even though he is U.S. citizen....
DACA renewals soon, USCIS recommends 30-day filing window.
Many initial grants of Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals, better known as "DACA", expire this year, and the renewal period will begin soon. Based on recent guidance, DACA beneficiaries will want to file their renewal applications within a 30 day window to keep...
Alternatives to the H-1B Visa Beyond Student and Employment-Based Visas
Less than a week after opening the five-day filing period for H-1B visa applications for fiscal year 2015, United States Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) announced that it has already surpassed the cap of 85,000 visas per year.As a result, a lottery will...